Hi gang – and howdy from Charlotte, North Carolina (here for my seminar today). So, last week I had Real Estate photographer Thomas Grubba as my guest on “The Grid” (our life weekly talk show for photographers), and he was talking about how he uses a Lightroom plug-in called:
It’s from a developer in the UK, and it’s what Thomas uses to take his bracketed real estate photography images and merge them into a single image with a realistic look. He was really raving about it, so I tried it myself and it’s pretty amazing (most of the time). Best of all, it’s “Donationware” (there’s no set price – you give what you want to the developer).
Here’s a few quick results (no toning was done to any of these – just the initial merge, so you can do a lot to these examples. The first one will be Lightroom’s built-in “Merge to HDR” followed by the Enfuse plug-in.
LR/Enfuse was mainly made back in the hay day when Lightroom did not have HDR feature. It makes it unnecessary to use this plug-in unless you have an older version of Lightroom (pre-Lightroom CC) or want exposure fusion. Improve this answer. Follow edited Jan 19 '16 at 4:16. LR/Enfuse is a Lightroom plugin that allows you to blend multiple exposures together directly from within Lightroom by using the open source Enfuse application. With LR/Enfuse you can: Blend images of different exposures together in order to create a natural looking image with a greater dynamic range. Hit the “Enfuse Images” button. Go get a cuppa whilst LR/Enfuse works its way through each individual stack of images, converts them according to any raw settings in the Lightroom Develop Module, exposure blends them, saves the result into the same folder as the originals, and imports them back into the Lightroom catalogue. LR/Enfuse lisar2017. New Here, Feb 09, 2018. Copy link to clipboard. Download Lightroom. Set Lightroom Preferences. Editing tools in Lightroom.
Note: Ignore the ghosting – I didn’t address it in any of these examples.
Above:Lightroom’s Merge to HDR feature
Above:Same images merged using the “Enfuse” plug-in
Above:The same image with Lightroom Merge to HDR but with the AUTO TONE turned on.
Above:The Enfuse image with Auto Tone added.
Above:Lightroom’s Merge to HDR version.
Above:the same images merged in “Enfuse”
Above: Here’s what the plug-in looks like when it opens in Lightroom. 4 tabs along the top with different options for merging.
Most of the time, I seem to like the results from Enfuse better than Lightroom’s built-in (which I’ve been quite fond of, so that’s saying something), but there were a couple of images I merged where I liked the Lightroom native version better, but not many.
Thomas recommended added +20 Clarity and +10 Contrast two your HDR bracketed images before you Enfuse them, and he’s right — I think it produces a better result.
The only downside I’ve experienced thus far is that it’s quite a bit slower than Lightroom’s Merge to HDR, so you wait longer to see your result, especially with larger brackets of 5 or 7 images. Outside of that, it’s a peach.
Here’s a link to download Enfuse from the developer (be generous). 🙂
Hope you found that helpful.
One more thing…
In other news: Registration for the Photoshop World Orlando 2017 Conference officially opens today. You can read more about it on my blog at scottkelby.com or go to photoshopworld.com
I look forward to meeting a bunch of you here today! 🙂
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This tutorial is a preview of features in the upcoming 0.7.0 Hugin release,likely the final release will have a slightly different appearance and layout,but the concepts will remain the same.
Enfuse is a tool for mergingbracketed exposures and assembling a composite image containing the bestexposed bits of each. This is particularly useful when building a 360°panorama where the normal result is often both over and under-exposed areas atthe same time. Hugin 0.7.0 includes complete support for creating ExposureBlended images with enfuse.
So the first step is to shoot your panorama. I'm using a cheap Pelengfisheye lens on a Nikon D100, and I tend to shoot everything hand-held using the techniquedescribed here as I don't want the hassle of carrying a tripod andpanoramic head around.
Note that unlike HDR creation which is a very similar process, exposureblending with enfuse is tolerant of minor misalignments caused by hand-heldparallax errors.
Most digital SLRs have the option to shoot a bracketed series, I've set thiscamera to first shoot the 'normal' exposure, then a -2EV darker version andfinally a +2EV lighter version. In this case this results in the camerashooting at 1/60, 1/250 and 1/15 seconds.
You can see the results here, notice that I've taken the bracketed shots forone direction, turned and taken the bracketed shots for the next directionetc..
The first thing to do is to start Hugin with an empty project. I'm doingthis on a Fedora 8 Linux machine, though the process should be the same onWindows or OS X.
Click Load images.. and select all the photos that make upthis project. The order of the files doesn't matter
The Peleng lens is completely manual so there is no EXIF data that Hugin canuse to determine the photo geometry, but I know the lens is a Circularfisheye, the focal length is 8mm (it's written on theside) and the Nikon D100 is a 1.5x crop factor sensor. Thisshould be enough information to start with, Hugin can adjust it later on.
Note: I do actually have this lens calibrated and could apply thesecalibrated settings by using the Load lens data.. functionbut there is really no need for a simple panorama like this.
The next step is to tell Hugin where the fisheye circle is in the photos,switch to the Crop tab, select all the photos at once andexpand a circle to exclude the black areas outside the image area.
Note that the Peleng has ugly flares usually on the bottom of the photo, soI'm actually drawing an off-centre crop circle to exclude these too - This isdone by unselecting Always center Crop on d,e before expandingthe crop area.
Unfortunately the SIFT algorithm used in autopano-sift ispatent encumbered in the United States, so this project has been aligned bycreating manual control points (otherwise, if you do have this or a similartool installed then you can skip the following section by clicking theAlign.. button on the Assistant tab).
The alignment technique I used is to align each set of three bracketed photosas a stack, then picking just one picture from each of the four stacks andaligning these together just like a normal panorama. Cad house design software for mac.
So for each stack, the reference 0EV image was connected to the +2EV imageand then to the -2EV image.
Once this is done for each of the four stacks, all that is needed is to setcontrol points between each of four 0EV images using the usual technique foraligning panoramas.
Tip: Control points between fisheye images almost always have a lot ofrotational variation, so if you want auto fine-tune to workthen enable File -> Preferences -> Finetune -> Rotation Search.
The next thing to do is to switch back to the Assistanttab and click Align.., then wait for Huginto finish aligning the images, leveling the panorama and estimatingphotometric parameters.
Now open the Preview window and set the HDROutput, this shows all the images using their correct relativebrightness - The tonemapping is logarithmic which is why everything lookswashed out.
The panorama is a bit wonky, the solution is to locate vertical features inthe scene and set vertical control points in the Control Pointstab:
The project needs to be reoptimised to take account of the new verticalcontrol points, this is done by switching to the Optimizer tab,selecting Optimize Custom parameters, roll (r),pitch (p), view (v), barrel (b),x shift (d) and y shift (e). Then clickingOptimize now!.
Note I've also optimised distortion (c) in this case, thisisn't always necessary.
Now the panorama isn't wonky anymore:
Finally switch to the Stitcher tab and underExposure Blending set Blended panorama(enfuse) to get enfused output. I also set Blended exposurelayers so we can see each bracketed exposure as a separate panorama.
Then watch and wait, this is a good opportunity to put the kettle on.First nona remaps the input images:
Then enfuse merges these into four separate stacks, one for eachof the four directions:
Then finally enblend merges these into a single final panorama:
All done, it's worth having a look at the various panoramas created bythis process.
First is the 0EV 'base' panorama, this is mostly ok since this is thecentral exposure, but there are problems: The ground, taxis and some partsof buildings are very underexposed and areas of the sky are overexposed:
Secondly is the -2EV 'dark' panorama, this is nearly entirely underexposedthough there is sky detail in the areas that are overexposed in the firstpanorama:
Third is the +2EV 'light' panorama, the sky and some of the buildings arevery overexposed, but there is lots of detail in areas that are underexposed inthe 'base' 0EV panorama.
Finally is the 'enfused' panorama itself, taking well exposed areas fromall three of the exposure levels:
Equirectangular panoramas are not so easy to view, one thing to dois to turn it into a Quicktime QTVR panorama:
..and open it in a QTVR viewer such as freepv:
Freepv does nice OpenGL fullscreen viewing of QTVR panoramas:
One problem with enfuse and enblend is that they don't know what to do withthe zenith and nadir of equirectangular images, the result is socalled zenith vortex artefacts:
Another way to view a 360° panorama is as a stereographic image createdby loading the enfused equirectangular into Hugin and setting the outputProjection to Stereographic:
Finally, here is the generatedQTVR version.
About this scene
This is FitzalanSquare, Sheffield. You should be able to tell by the black taxis,double-decker buses, pavement parking and general air of gloom that this issomewhere in England.
January 2008 Bruno Postle